Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back in the saddle

I've been incommunicato for the last few weeks for good reason -- a whirlwind trip back to the U.S. and then my dad was here for a week visiting us in China. Good times had by all.

For some reason, I struggled to think of anything to write about for the past few days. Not sure if my brain is still jetlagged (see old post on how jetlag can mimic pregnancy symptoms) or what.

To be honest, at the moment, I am a little numb about the whole pregnancy thing and am having a hard time finding the humor in my infertility (which is what I strive to do). I'm sure it's just a temporary phase, but it certainly doesn't leave me with any super funny incidents or light-hearted ways to pontificate this ill joke of being unable to conceive. Several friends have had babies over the course of the last few weeks, and although I truly am happy for them, it is just another reminder that I can't have a biobaby. Plus, our adoption is still no closer to being completed and that's put a fairly major damper on my usual cheery (although occasionally sarcastic) self.

OK, now that I am a complete Debbie Downer...wah-wah (cue funny sound effect).

I promise to be back to my ol' self in a matter of days and will once again bring smiles and "you didn't really think that" moments back to my writing.

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