Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back to the book

Last night was The Inadequate Conception's official debut at a book launch party. So, now all of my family and friends will read about some of the most intimate details of my life from scheduling sex to a strip tease in a hospital room. Not sure that I will be able to look at my boss in the eye tomorrow, but hopefully, it's for a good cause.

Truly, the reason I put all of this “out there” is to help other couples who have difficulties getting pregnant. And, if I can make one person laugh after all of the tears, I think telling you about my vaginal ultrasounds and sex on a schedule was worth it.

I'm working on a book signing in the Louisville area at a really cool local book store. The kind proprietor wrote a lovely piece about The Inadequate Conception.


  1. Just finished the book for the 2nd time, but the 1st away from my computer screen. I love it and just know that so many out there will find humor, tears and support in your story. Of course, I cried. I continue to be amazed by your strength and talent. So proud of you, Lu!!!!

  2. I discovered your blog after reading the AOL article a couple months ago. I've read all your archived posts, so I'm now caught up with your story. As a fellow infertile, I could relate to so many situations. Good luck with your adoption! And congratulations on your new book!
