Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fertility Clinic Faux Pas

Has anyone else heard about the fertility clinic in Ohio that implanted the wrong embryos into a woman? And, she got pregnant! I can't even begin to imagine the wild range of emotions that you'd feel from finding this out. The clinic said she had two options (how about the clinic doesn't get to say anything from making this tragic mistake?). One option was to abort the pregnancy and the other was to have the baby, but give it to the biological parents.

This amazing woman has decided to give birth to the baby boy and then give it to his biological parents.

I almost can't think of any worse scenario. Not being able to get pregnant sucks, but having the dream of being pregnant with your own child stripped away while you're pregnant is unthinkable.

If it were me, I probably would've caused bodily harm to the embryologist or whomever made the mistake. I'd be seeking some major vengence, but this woman was very calm when I saw her interviewed. She's trying to work with a gestational carrier to carry her rightful embies.

Crazy stuff.

Sorry for the short and somewhat unimaginative postings of late. Lots and lots to do with our move to Shanghai quickly approaching (less than one month!). I hope to get at least one good posting in this week. I won't be able to ICWL in October because that's the week I'll be working in our son's orphanage in Vietnam.


  1. This woman is a saint. She's using her last chance to carry a child and then give it away. It would break my heart into a million pieces. Good luck with you adoption process!


  2. I don't if I could have survived such a thing. I would have been a wreck. Just sign me over to the men in white coats. I hope this woman has a LOT of emotional support. She is going to need it.

    Best of luck to you in Shanghai

  3. That is such an awful situation for her! I think it would kill me, but I also know I would not be able to end the life of a child. I would probably do exactly the same thing were I in her shoes. I pray she gets her own child very soon!


  4. I have to believe that something good will come her way as a result of all of this. Bless her!

  5. Wishing you the very best of luck in China.

    I can't even imagine being in that woman's shoes. I think I would take the path she did but I would also demand the fertility clinic refund all expenses from that cycle and cover all expenses for a gestational surrogate.

  6. hope you are having a wonderful time in vietnam!

    this story scares me to death. i want to sleep in the clinic with our embies so that i can make sure we get ours, but they already think i am a bit nutty so i won't ask.


  7. Just a correction- the delivery will be in Ohio, the clinic is not. Ohioan here. :) This whole thing scares me. Especially the ASRM's stance that there aren't records kept on mix-ups like this, but only a few happen every decade. Either you don't keep records and don't know how often this happens, or you do keep records and you know it's a low occurrence. Can't have it both ways, Docs.

  8. All I could think when I read that story was, wow, I really hope it's not the clinic that I go to. haha Crazy doctors.

  9. I just can't believe she's giving up the babies!! That takes a lot of strength.

  10. What an absolute mess. Makes you so nervous when clinics have your embryos.


  11. I saw an interview and read an article about that earlier this week. I was shocked when I heard the two options she was given. Ugh. I can't imagine having to go through that. I really hope that the biological parents of that baby are extremely nice to her. If they took out their frustration on her it would be so horrible.

    Good luck with your move to Shanghai!

  12. They did an episode like this on Private Practice strangely enough.
