Friday, August 21, 2009

By the numbers

Since this is an ICWL week, I thought I’d give an overview of our journey to bring a bio and non-bio baby into our lives by the numbers. Here goes in some kind of semblance of order:
36 years of age
12 years of marriage
5 years trying to conceive
61 cycles trying to conceive
611 pre-natal vitamins
55 ovulation detection tests
16 pregnancy tests
23 blood draws and ultrasounds
Tens of thousands of dollars (I’m too scared about the actual number that I won’t disclose it)
3 ovulation induction cycles
66 fertility drug injections
22 eggs
3 IVF transfers
10 embryos
0 pregnancies
1 embryo transfer to an amazing gestational carrier
16 times fingerprinted
1 21-month old boy waiting for his parents in Vietnam
124 pages of adoption dossier
410 days waiting for matched baby in Vietnam
Scores of family and friends who give constant love support and love
500 (at least) incidents of hilarity and humor from dealing with infertility
1 awesome husband, without whom I would have gone crazy
That just about sums it up.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've been reading through yours and I'm so sorry about everything you've been through. It's just so hard to understand why we are put in this sucks. You have a great sense of humor about it though. I will be praying that you and your hubby get the baby you deserve soon. Take care:)

  2. WOW what alot you have been through!

    I have to say the fact that you've come out the other end with your sense of humour still in tact says SO much about you....your heart is still strong and while it is, your hope will be too, I pray you get your little miracle placed in your arms soon.


  3. wow!! And here I am complaining. While you have sure been through a lot it is very comforting to see your optimistic approach to what comes next and your positive outlook. Good luck with the adoption.


  4. Wow you actually kept count - but I bet your husband knows much money you've spent (they alays do). You are totally committed to having a family. How is it going with the wait for match in Vietnam?


  5. Wow, what impressive numbers! I am so in awe of your great sense of humor through everything. Want to lend me some? ;)

    Hope that all comes through with your little boy in Vietnam.


  6. You sure have been through a lot. If anyone deserves a little one it's you...
